The Star (XVII)
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
The Star card (1+7=8) correspondes to the Strength card (8). The Strength card enhances the Star's ability to accept our and others faults, while spreading light and love.
The Star card brings to us the gift of pleasure in nature, of reasoned intuition and of shining hope. It reveals a loving phase, filled with calm energy and renewed understanding. It is a card of heavenly favors and a sense of being blessed. Hatred, envy, bitterness, and revenge have burned themselves out and no longer shadow your life or potential for future happiness. Now you are able to forgive and forget.
Model: Briana
On the left is the original photo taken in Walter's backyard. Briana had been prancing around nude hoping that the UPS man would show up. But alas it was just me. This is the photo I decided upon which would best articulate the magic and lightness of the star. As I set about bringing in various elements into the card, I tried to distill the essence of not only the card but what stars represent historically and culturally. I found images celestial images giving birth to new stars and used this as the background. I wanted to include the seven stars that were part of the original cards which represents the seven chakras.

In deciding what star constellation that I was going to feature. Paul suggested the Pleiadies and in looking though some tarot cards, what do you know but the Pleiadies it was. I was going to use anyway, although the Pleiades is really more than 1,400 stars there are only seven obvious star. Then as I was dweebing out on wikipedia, I found the following article on the very day it was printed, (freaky)
Pleiades Gives Birth to Babies, Feb. 1, 2009, according to the UCLA new story
Rocky terrestrial planets, perhaps like Earth, Mars or Venus, appear to be forming or to have recently formed around a star in the Pleiades ("seven sisters") star cluster, the result of "monster collisions" of planets or planetary embryos.
Astronomers using the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii and the Spitzer Space Telescope report their findings in an upcoming issue of the Astrophysical Journal, the premier journal in astronomy.
"This is the first clear evidence for planet formation in the Pleiades, and the results we are presenting may well be the first observational evidence that terrestrial planets like those in our solar system are quite common," said Joseph Rhee, a UCLA postdoctoral scholar in astronomy and lead author of the research.
But here is the scary thing,
I found a society of Pleiades. They describe the role of Pleiades’. "To help seekers become consciously aware of Divine Knowledge and Wisdom. They show them that their their etheric, astral and mental bodies must be purified before being able to integrate with the spiritual realm. The Pleiades represent a spiritual “station” where the Perfect Model within seekers is energized and comes alive on earth".
OK so now I know that there is a limit for trying to draw parallels with everything.
This stuff makes me think of Branch Davidians.
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