Thursday, March 12, 2009


The Emperor can provide order and structure where once only chaos existed. He possesses great intelligence and the confidence required to use it productively. While sometimes considered stern and demanding, he knows how to encourage people to reach their full potential. He sets strict rules and boundaries and expects others to comply.

Chinese view the organs according to energetic rather than physical functions. The Heart is the supreme master of the Organs, as the emperor is of the people and like the emperor, the Heart links Heaven (the spirit) and the Earth (the body).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Death the Transformation

The death card is about change and the urge to resist it. It is about letting go and trusting in the vibratory force around you. Trust in the force, I guess the Jedi Knight's were right.
Death is a strong card a card that symbolizes the strength within to accept new situations. I can't think of any more fitting model for this card but Joyce Scott, of the Curiosity Shoppe. The vibratory force at her celebration was so STRONG, a whole community in support of one person, wow! Joyce and this moment are ripe for transformative change.
I have always viewed the death card with respect. In context within the deck card it represents the movement that the "Hanged Man" takes, a turning of the wheel . If one trusts, then abundance with be there to catch us. Hang on!!