When you see the Lovers card come up in a reading, it is important to think about where in your life you are facing a choice. When the Lovers comes up, you must be completely honest with yourself in the situation, not taking things strictly on face value but deeply examining your motives, your feelings, your options and your decisions. The fact that it is a Major Arcana card means that the decision is something fundament. Whenever you see a Major A

The choice that the lover’s card present is almost always one that has moral over or undertones. The seekers own value system is being challenged, and s/he must make a definite choice based on that system. The choices are never really easy or obvious, either. Unlike the Fools' choice (which can have no wrong answer), the choice of the Lovers can because one of those paths will almost always take the seeker down a possibly pleasant, but downward tending path.
This card symbolizes everything good in personal relationships. In a reading involving love, this is a very good card in any position. In reading involving relationships, other than a love relationship, it still retains its meaning but adjusted. For example, in a reading regarding a relationship with a boss, it might be read as meaning communication with the boss will be especially good and without friction. This, of course, would depend on the surrounding cards.
This picture was taken at Burning Man, when Paul and I were renewing our 20th year wedding anniversary. It was a very stormy evening and there was a break in the storm. We quickly got the ceremony started, after waiting for the last person to show up (Bob), which was a whole other story. It was a wonderful moment and not only renewed our commitment to each other and our family, but brought a whole new group of people into our lives, who continue to feed our souls.